Vocabulary Review

  1. 5. The basis of something such as an action, substance, structure, or opinion
  2. 8. Being an essential part of the whole
  3. 9. A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
  4. 10. To spread information, knowledge, opinions widely
  5. 11. Offering or allowing choice
  6. 12. A work environment where responsibility and authority is shared equally by colleagues
  7. 13. To take apart, analyze, or break it down into its parts.
  8. 17. A passage or segment taken from a text…phrase, sentence, paragraph or chapter
  9. 18. To improve or add to the quality, value or attractiveness of
  10. 19. Believable or plausible
  1. 1. A position from which something is considered or evaluated; standpoint
  2. 2. Describe clearly
  3. 3. To look forward to, expect
  4. 4. A general idea or thought
  5. 6. The exact opposite
  6. 7. Able to speak or express oneself in a clear way
  7. 11. A short account of a particular incident or event
  8. 14. General agreement in opinions, values, preferences, or the like
  9. 15. The setting of a word or phrase that affects its meaning.
  10. 16. An attraction or interest
  11. 20. To twist out of shape; change the way a thing looks or acts