Vocabulary Unit 1 (3)

  1. 2. Tímido
  2. 4. Desordenado
  3. 7. Midfielder of the Colombia national football team, currenty playing in the Bayern Munich.
  4. 8. Ordenado
  5. 9. Forward of the England national football team (number 10)
  6. 11. Forward of the Colombia national football team (number 9)
  7. 12. guiño, guiñar el ojo
  8. 13. Bostezar
  1. 1. mandón
  2. 3. Midfielder of the England national football team (number 17)
  3. 5. Mirada fija
  4. 6. First goalkeeper of the Colombia national football team (number 1)
  5. 10. Fruncir el ceño-mover las cejas