  1. 3. Taiwan's success in electronics is a _______ of economic policies that lifted the island from poorhouse to powerhouse in a generation.
  2. 4. Most companies do this in order to reduce costs of labour and to to hire specialists
  3. 9. The goods carried by a ship or aircraft
  4. 10. We do this to calculate the cost or amount of something.
  5. 11. An idiom used to it makes the other thing possible
  6. 13. The new company that just listed its IPO certainly has the _________for growth.
  7. 14. To decide which of a group of things are the most important
  8. 15. The company cannot accept _________ for any damage caused by natural disasters
  9. 17. She showed _________talent for getting what she wanted.
  10. 19. The island's ___________ had no immunity to the diseases carried by the explorers and quickly succumbed.
  11. 20. a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable because it has been used a lot. E.g. Staycation
  1. 1. Made in a way that causes, little or no damage to the environment
  2. 2. A synonym of 'disaster'
  3. 5. You could never _________ risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it.
  4. 6. Juices left in bags that contained raw meat can _________the cooked leftovers.
  5. 7. The difference between the two products is too small of an amount to be of importance.
  6. 8. Old people are particularly ________ to the flu. That is why it is necessary to get a flu jab at 50 years
  7. 12. Merchants will give refunds on any damaged or ________merchandise.
  8. 16. Public sale of goods usually sold to the highest bidder.
  9. 18. The Doctor said a ________ of morphine is decreased respiration, which can lead to death.