Vocabulary Week C

  1. 1. to deceive, to mislead
  2. 3. transparent, see-through
  3. 5. rude, improper
  4. 8. a false statement to damage the reputation of another
  5. 10. a fortune teller
  6. 12. habitual, natural
  7. 14. to cheat, to swindle
  8. 16. to slander, to smear, to libel, to defame, to speak evil of
  9. 17. a statement that gives an unjust or unfavorable representation of a person or thing, a defamation
  10. 18. cheerful unity among a group
  11. 19. immature
  12. 22. inclined to lie or mislead
  13. 23. a fortune teller
  1. 1. to destroy the reputation of
  2. 2. lethargic
  3. 4. ghostly, spectral
  4. 6. nonthreatening, innocuous
  5. 7. to force
  6. 9. lazy, apathetic
  7. 11. ghostly
  8. 13. capable of reading minds
  9. 15. deceitful actions or behavior
  10. 20. an attempt to defame another's reputation
  11. 21. young or immature