
  1. 2. corporation The stock of a public company is owned and traded by individuals and institutional investors.
  2. 5. A business or association usually formed to manufacture or supply products or services for profit.
  3. 8. Indicates how much and how quickly the value of an investment, market, or market sector changes.
  4. 9. A company legally separate from stockholders who own it and the managers who run it.
  5. 10. Number A calculation that helps measure the level of risk in investing in a stock.
  6. 13. corporation A corporation that doesn’t sell shares to the public.
  7. 15. Part of a company’s profits (earnings) paid periodically to stockholders.
  8. 16. Company A company that is owned by a person, family, or small group of investors that does not sell shares of stock in the company to the public.
  9. 17. stocks that are highly unpredictable. For example, many dot/com stocks are highly speculative, with incredible highs and devastating lows.
  10. 18. An individual or company (including a corporation) that legally owns one shares of stock in a stock company.
  11. 19. fixed income and preferred stocks are considered conservative.
  12. 22. Typically an investment banker, buys an entire new securities issue from the company or government offering it, and resells the issue as individual stocks or bonds to the public.
  13. 24. the company’s profits or losses. Companies usually issue stock to raise money for a variety of reasons, including expanding or modernizing their operations.
  14. 25. A company owned and run by one individual who receives its profits or its losses.
  15. 26. the initial sale of stock to the public by investment bankers.
  16. 30. include growth stocks—particularly young companies with great potential.
  17. 31. Report By law, each publicly held corporation must provide its shareholders with an annual report showing its income and balance sheet. In most cases, it contains not only financial details but also a message from the chairman, a description of the company's operations, and an overview of its achievements.
  18. 32. A company owned and managed by two or more people who share its profits or losses.
  19. 33. Someone who risks funds by purchasing financial products with the hope the investments will increase in value over time.
  1. 1. Process by which assets of a business are converted to money.
  2. 3. Ad An announcement appearing in financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal announcing a company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO.)
  3. 4. position The condition of owning stock. The value of a long position is a stock’s current share price multiplied by the number of shares owned.
  4. 6. The potential unpredictability or instability of a stock. A volatile stock is a risky stock—one that can go very high, or very low.
  5. 7. The chance of losing all or part of the value of an investment
  6. 11. A share is a unit of ownership in a corporation or mutual fund.
  7. 12. The number of shares traded in a company's stock. Unusual market activity, either higher is typically the result of some external event.
  8. 13. Ratio (also P/E Ratio) The ratio of the stock’s price per share to its earnings per share.
  9. 14. The amount of money that remains after subtracting the company’s expenses from its revenue.
  10. 20. A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.
  11. 21. If you own common stock in a U.S. corporation, you have the right to vote on company policies and to elect the company's board of directors. You may vote in person at the annual meeting or authorize the board to vote on your behalf using an absentee ballot, or proxy, which you can submit by mail or, increasingly often, by telephone or over the Internet.
  12. 23. A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation and represents a claim to a part
  13. 27. Stock Shares of a company that do not guarantee a dividend and have more risk and volatility than preferred shares.
  14. 28. ratio Ratio Stands for price-to-earnings ratio. The P/E is the relationship between a company's earnings and its share price. It is calculated by dividing the current price per share by the earnings per share.
  15. 29. Stock Shares of ownership of a company in which the shareholder is guaranteed a dividend if one is declared and whose shares are usually not as volatile as common stock.
  16. 34. The chance of losing all or part of an investment.