
  1. 3. / measure of the amount of disorder in a system
  2. 8. relationship in which one species lives in or on another
  3. 12. Footprint area of land and water required to sustainably provide all resources at a rate which they're consumed by a population
  4. 14. when one animal, predator, eats another animal, prey
  5. 16. and J Curves describe a generalized response of populations to a particular set of conditions
  6. 18. Factors factors which slow down growth of a population as it reaches its carrying capacity
  7. 19. group of organisms sharing common characteristics that interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  8. 20. Niche full range of conditions and resources in which a species could survive and reproduce
  9. 23. use and management of resources that allows full natural replacement of the resources and full recovery of the ecosystem
  10. 25. development development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
  11. 26. Loop when information that starts a reaction in turn may input more information which may start another reaction
  12. 27. Capital natural resources that can produce a sustainable natural income of goods or services
  1. 1. Factors living components of an ecosystem - organisms, their interactions or waste that directly or indirectly effects another organism
  2. 2. group of organisms of the same species lining in the same area at the same time, capable of interbreeding
  3. 3. / useful energy, work or output produced by a process divided by the amount of energy consumed being put into the process
  4. 4. Feedback Loops tend to amplify changes and drive the system toward a tipping point for a new state of equilibrium will be adopted
  5. 5. relation between two or more species in which all benefit and none suffer
  6. 6. Niche describes the actual conditions and resources in which a species exists due to biotic interactions
  7. 7. / when energy or matter flows and changes its state
  8. 8. addition of a substance to the environment by human activity, at a larger rate than can be harmless and has an effect on organisms around it
  9. 9. environment in which a species normally lives
  10. 10. Capacity maximum number of a species or load that can be sustainable supported by a given area
  11. 11. / when energy or matter flows and changes location but not its state
  12. 13. Law of Thermodynamics / energy in an isolated system can be transformed but cannot be created or destroyed
  13. 15. Factors non- living physical factors that effect the organisms and ecosystem
  14. 17. Law of Thermodynamics / energy is transformed through energy transfers
  15. 21. Feedback Loops / stabilizing and counteracts deviation
  16. 22. / paradigm that shapes the way people perceive environmental issues
  17. 23. / a set of interrelated parts working together to make a complex whole
  18. 24. an animal (herbivore) eating a green plant
  19. 25. State Equilibrium / there are continuous inputs and outputs of energy and matter, but the system as a whole remains in a constant state
  20. 27. describes the particular ser of abiotic and biotic conditions and resources to which and organism or population responds