
  1. 1. mexicans who lived in Texas
  2. 4. a male trapper and explorer who lives in the wilderness
  3. 6. a 2,200-mile wagon route used in early 1800s that stretched through six different states
  4. 9. a french word that means to set an appointment;meet-up
  5. 11. a carpenter who, while constructing a water-powered sawmill for John Sutter, discovered gold in the water
  6. 15. a nickname for texas after it won its independence from Mexico
  7. 16. an infectious diseases small intestine usually contracted from infected water supplies
  8. 17. "the napoleon of the west" this leader came to power in 1833 and ruled mexico for 2 decades
  9. 18. a transportation route through central North America that connected Franklin, Missouri with Santa Fe, New Mexico
  10. 20. a nickname for gold-seekers who arrived by the thousands to California. The name refers to the year most arrived to this region.
  1. 2. a spanish conquistador who claimed the territory of new mexico for Spain in 1598
  2. 3. to take possession of;seize
  3. 5. a name given to covered wagons because they resembled boats going over the vast prairies of the west
  4. 7. treaty that ends the mexican-american war and officially gave america new mexico and california from mexico
  5. 8. a water-powered sawmill owned by John sutter and located on the American River where gold was first discovered, resulting in the California Gold Rush
  6. 10. a castle located on the outskirts of Mexico City where mexican soldiers made a heroic last stand to protect their capital,Mexico City, from invasion
  7. 12. a belief during the 19th century period of american expansion that the united states had the right and duty to spread its rule all the way to the pacific ocean
  8. 13. name of a mexican national holiday which remembers the six young soldiers who died trying to defend chapultepec from american soldiers
  9. 14. an impresario who recruited over 300 families to relocate to Texas
  10. 19. the name of agents given large land grants by the mexican government,who then traveled to the United States to recruit new settlers