
  1. 1. Forgive, overlooked, extenuate, or justify another’s offense, shortcomings.
  2. 3. adj- tearfully or drunkendly sentimental.
  3. 4. A technician trained to design, verify and fit eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to correct eyesight.
  4. 7. Has a trunk
  5. 8. ) a small sin
  6. 9. liar- A liar known for lying.
  7. 10. speaking fluently
  8. 12. a person who does not believe in God.
  9. 14. Man's best friend
  10. 15. noire- ; (b) something or someone strongly disliked and avoided
  11. 17. exclaiming, noisy, clamorous
  12. 19. sophisticated and cultivated
  13. 22. A person who practices psychoanalysis that is a therapy based on the observation that individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and behavior.
  14. 26. characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning:
  15. 27. noun. one whose personality type is in between extrovert and introvert.
  16. 30. ) a solo sung in an opera
  17. 32. pro quo a deal in which something is exchanged for something else
  18. 35. Likes to chase mice
  19. 36. liar- Readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, unnecessarily so.
  20. 38. a specialist who provides medical diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle problems, including, but not limited to sprains and fractures, bunions, heel pain/spurs, hammertoes, neuromas, ingrown & fungal toenails, warts, corns and calluses.
  21. 40. Prohibit;
  22. 41. having the qualities of chivalry , as courage, courtesy, and loyalty.
  23. 42. fide genuine
  24. 44. An early short-barreled pocket pistol.
  25. 47. friendly and sociable
  26. 50. populi public opinion
  27. 51. a person who is excessively and blindly patriotic
  28. 53. an ill-temper or violent woman
  29. 54. noun. a conceited, boastful person.
  30. 55. one who is morbidly anxious about his health or suffered imagine illness
  31. 57. one who challenges cherished beliefs
  32. 59. liar- Outrageous in a striking or prominent manner.
  33. 63. adj. characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning,, deception, expediency or dishonesty.
  34. 64. given to talking too much
  35. 69. much in fewer words
  36. 72. Flying mammal
  37. 73. accompli something that is already done
  38. 76. Flying mammal
  39. 77. pas an embarrassing social error
  40. 78. a person who is exaggerated interested in one thing
  41. 80. fixe an idea that you can’t get out of your mind
  42. 82. adj. luxurious; showy and costly; elegant
  43. 83. a rigid disciplinarian
  44. 85. A person that studies handwriting.
  45. 91. an inferior substitute
  46. 93. A specialist in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.
  47. 94. a lewd man
  48. 95. fearless
  49. 97. quo the existing state of things
  50. 98. very generous in forgiving others
  51. 103. vt. Expurgate or paraphrase prudishl; censor.
  52. 104. poor
  53. 105. having a wide range of skills
  54. 107. noun.a person who leads an austerely simple life, especially one who abstains from normal pleasures of life or denies himself or herself material satisfaction.
  55. 109. ) creative people. ideas, or techniques that are ahead of everyone else
  56. 110. liar-a liar who brings his lie to a state of perfection where the lie (s) are so convincing.
  57. 111. liar- A person who has been lying since birth.
  58. 113. noun. A shy person; a person characterized by the concerned primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings.
  59. 114. Speak ill of; defame
  60. 115. servile flatterer
  1. 2. Meet and clear away, as difficulties; make unnecessary.
  2. 3. Have weight or force, against or for; to influence or have an effect upon.
  3. 5. of or like a corpse; page ghastly
  4. 6. :harmless
  5. 11. talkative
  6. 13. resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.; noisy, clamorous, or boisterous:
  7. 16. not articulate
  8. 18. noun.hatred of marriage.
  9. 20. Fond or addicted to drink/alcohol
  10. 21. one who pursues art or literature for amusement
  11. 23. witty. brilliant conversationalist
  12. 24. or haute ) high or first class
  13. 25. Speak slightingly of; discredit.
  14. 28. forbidden
  15. 29. use ambiguous expressions; evasive
  16. 31. commonplace, trite
  17. 33. saying little, reserve in speech
  18. 34. haughtily disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.
  19. 37. A health care professionals who specializes in the field of aging related dimensions of change over the lifespan.
  20. 39. Likes to chase mice
  21. 43. noun.a self-centered or selfish person
  22. 45. deprived of contact with the outside world
  23. 46. liar-liar that it is not by conscious.
  24. 48. the spirit of the times
  25. 49. ) pleasingly frank and simple
  26. 52. having unlimited energy
  27. 56. hater of humankind.
  28. 58. ) anxiety
  29. 60. perfect calmness
  30. 61. Pacify; conciliate
  31. 62. full of, expressing, or causing pain or sorrow; grievous; mournful
  32. 65. noun. a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others
  33. 66. adj. In a frenzy; amuck; deranged, wild
  34. 67. liar- a liar who has does not care of the repercussions of his lies.
  35. 68. Tickle; excite.
  36. 70. very insightful and perceptive
  37. 71. bearing troubles bravely
  38. 74. Large marsupial
  39. 75. a practitioner of the system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.
  40. 79. A specialist that focuses on developing a system of medical care that would promote the body's innate ability to heal itself.
  41. 81. (noun) a person who hates women.
  42. 84. A professional who evaluates and studies behavior and mental processes.
  43. 86. liar- a liar who’s lying became a deep-rooted habit.
  44. 87. using more words than necessary, wordy
  45. 88. up to date
  46. 89. liar- liar that lies due to some physical or mental disease.
  47. 90. full of complaints; complaining
  48. 92. to know how to do
  49. 96. feeling of having done or seen something before
  50. 99. Show feigned devotion to; flatter servilely.
  51. 100. adj. Rigorous; usually severe or cruel; Draconian forms of punishment.
  52. 101. convincing, forcible
  53. 102. brash courage or gall
  54. 106. liar-liar who lies continuously.
  55. 108. blanche the power to do whatever one wants
  56. 112. fresco outside in the fresh air