
  1. 2. Not, Without
  2. 3. Increase, Add to
  3. 7. Pacify, conciliate
  4. 8. Wise, Shrewd, Keen
  5. 9. Pervading, spread throughout
  6. 12. Heart
  7. 14. High sounding, inflated, pretentious
  8. 15. Distribute, spread, scatter
  9. 18. Sociable
  10. 20. Again, Back, Backward
  11. 21. Take away, Deprive, Not
  12. 22. Unselfishly generous, concerned for others
  13. 25. Firmness, Persistence
  14. 26. Glowing ardor, intensity of feeling
  1. 1. Reverse
  2. 2. Firmly established by nature or habit
  3. 4. Fanatic, person who shows excessive zeal
  4. 5. Against, Opposite
  5. 6. Human
  6. 7. Love, Friend
  7. 10. Clear from blame, exonerate, justify or support
  8. 11. Together, common
  9. 13. Paying attention to detail
  10. 16. Faultless
  11. 17. Not essential, superfluous
  12. 19. Appease. Moderate
  13. 23. Slander
  14. 24. Frankness, open honesty