
  1. 3. features Components of a story or article that are not the main body of text.
  2. 5. Taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
  3. 8. Idea The most important thought in a paragraph or passage
  4. 9. A book, website, article, or person that provides information to support.
  5. 12. To restate or reword a passage in your own words.
  6. 14. Use words that help the essay flow from one idea to the next.
  7. 15. capable of being believable; worthy of belief or confidence.
  1. 1. The statement to be supported.
  2. 2. plan for writing an essay.
  3. 4. To put an article or passage in your own words, highlighting only the main points.
  4. 6. Nonfiction factual writing.
  5. 7. quote To Use the exact words of a text to support your thesis.
  6. 10. Cited To put an article or passage in your own words, highlighting only the main points.
  7. 11. Details Specific facts, details, and examples that support your main idea.
  8. 13. To add details.
  9. 15. to quote a passage, book, author, expert, etc.