
  1. 4. When one country tries to take over another country
  2. 8. A corollary (1904) to the Monroe Doctrine, asserting that the U.S. might intervene in the affairs of an American republic threatened with seizure or intervention by a European country
  3. 9. Giving into the demands of an aggressor to avoid conflictolationism National policy of avoiding involvement in the affairs of other nations
  4. 13. Nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons that can cause indiscriminate death or injury on a large scale
  5. 17. over exaggeration of news stories to sway public opinion
  6. 19. National pride or loyalty
  7. 20. british practice of capturing American sailors and force them to serve in the British Navy
  1. 1. Competition between countries to achieve superiority in quantity and quality of military arms
  2. 2. United States’ foreign policy followed during the Cold War that sought to prevent expansion of the Soviet communism
  3. 3. Cold War belief that if one nation in Southwest Asia fell to Communism, the rest of Southeast Asia would also fall
  4. 5. A relaxing of tension, especially between nations, as by negotiations or agreements
  5. 6. National policy of avoiding involvement in the affairs of other nations
  6. 7. A system of maintaining world peace and security by concerted action on the part of the nations of the world
  7. 10. to not take sides during a war or conflict
  8. 11. The distribution of nuclear arms among nations such that no nation will initiate an attack for fear of retaliation
  9. 12. A distribution and opposition of forces among nations such that no single nation is strong enough to assert its will or dominate all the others
  10. 14. The policy of admitting people of all nationalities or ethnic groups to a country upon equal terms, as for immigration
  11. 15. A statement of the war aims of the Allies, made by President Wilson on January 8, 1918
  12. 16. An international organization to promote world peace and cooperation that was created by the Treaty of Versailles
  13. 18. A U.S. weapons research program begun in 1984 to explore technologies, including ground- and space-based lasers, for destroying attacking missiles and warheads