
  1. 1. to shrink of linch involuntarily; especially in pain
  2. 3. in or with a long flow of words, talkative
  3. 4. something that interfears with an activity
  4. 6. a confused amazement or fear
  5. 8. to draw back in fear; cringe
  6. 9. alert attention; watchfulness
  7. 10. useless; ineffective
  8. 11. a similarity between two sides of something
  9. 12. bright; brilliant
  1. 1. shriveled or shrunken, as if from lack of water or food
  2. 2. matching the timing of
  3. 5. unclear; hazy
  4. 6. marked with measurements
  5. 7. not easily discouraged, defeated, or subdue
  6. 13. a thing or event supposed to foretell good or evil