
  1. 3. lacking in variety; tediously unvarying; boring - The professor spoke in a single, ________ tone for the entire lecture.
  2. 4. to drive, or cause to move, forward or onward - When the motor stopped working, the passengers had to use oars to ________ the boat to shore.
  3. 6. a type of movie that tries to make people laugh
  4. 8. to deprive of legal, official, or other rights or privileges; declare ineligible - If you cheat in a game then you will be _______ and not allowed to play.
  5. 12. to make or become worse - Her grandmother's eyesight ___________ rapidly after her stroke.
  6. 14. to attract and hold the attention or interest of, as by beauty or excellence; enchant - The beautiful actress _______ the audience.
  1. 1. incapable of being controlled or restrained - When the alligator became angry, it was _______ and could not be calmed down.
  2. 2. to feel disgust for; hate - I _______ telemarketers that call during dinnertime or early in the morning.
  3. 4. being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world - The most ________ forms of live were found in the oceans.
  4. 5. characterized by clear perception or understanding; rational or sane - During his illness the old man had few _________ moments where he knew what was going on.
  5. 7. the opposite of loud
  6. 9. the country between Mexico and Canada
  7. 10. to wander aimlessly; to take a winding or indirect course - The stream ___________ through the valley.
  8. 11. not constant or loyal in affections - The public did not want a _______ mayor. They wanted someone who was sure of his/her beliefs and opinions.
  9. 13. a province in Canada