
  1. 1. Medication/drug that has a trade name and is protected by a patent (can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent)
  2. 3. Labels/small labels containing additional information, reminders or warnings to the patient concerning drug use. Used to supplement the main prescription label
  3. 5. agent that inhibits the replication of viruses
  4. 7. interaction/situation in which a substance (usually another drug) affects the activity of a drug when both are administered together
  5. 8. more than/NMT
  6. 9. agent that counteracts or suppresses inflammation
  7. 14. eye/od
  8. 15. needed
  9. 16. substance produced by a living microorganism capable of killing or inhibiting the growth of another microorganism (i.e. penicillin)
  10. 19. regulatory agency responsible for the approval of new drugs
  11. 21. of drugs and their effect on the human body
  12. 25. whereby a drug is administered in the ear
  13. 26. anti-inflammatory
  14. 28. that combat the histamine released during an allergic reaction by blocking the action of the histamine on the tissue
  15. 30. agent that prevents or delays the clotting of blood
  16. 31. sugar/BS
  17. 32. by mouth/NPO
  18. 33. that does not threaten health
  19. 36. Insert/handout from the manufacturer that comes with each medication; provides various information about the medication
  20. 37. recall/voluntary or involuntary removal of a drug product by the manufacture; usually pertaining to a shipment or lot number
  21. 38. mouth/oral
  22. 39. form of dosage that dissolves between the cheek/gum
  23. 40. and vomiting
  1. 2. the clock/ATC
  2. 4. irregular heart rate
  3. 6. ear/as
  4. 9. of the joints
  5. 10. Provider Number/a unique ten-digit identification number required by HIPAA for all health care providers.
  6. 11. ears
  7. 12. whereby drug is administered via mouth
  8. 13. known drug allergies
  9. 17. Drug Code Number/The first segment of numbers is the manufacturer. The second segment is the product code that identifies the product and formula. The third segment is the package code which identifies the package size.
  10. 18. of prescription drugs available to enrollees, and a tiered formulary provide financial incentives for patients to select lower-cost drugs
  11. 20. a meal
  12. 22. drug that relieves or prevents spasms
  13. 23. drug that relieves coughing
  14. 24. Pharmacy/the pharmacy that received the original prescription
  15. 27. not repeat/non rep, NR
  16. 29. agent that destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms and may be applied safely to living tissue
  17. 33. a day
  18. 34. Prescription/prescription issued by the prescriber in writing, orally or electronically transmitted and recorded in writing by a pharmacist, faxed to the pharmacy or e-scripted
  19. 35. of birth/DOB
  20. 39. eyes/ou