
  1. 3. hatred; hostility; ill will; animosity
  2. 6. commanding respect because of great age or dignity
  3. 7. senseless, stupid, foolish
  4. 8. to feed and protect; train; educate
  5. 9. pretending or feigning; make-believe
  6. 11. to explain; interpret
  7. 12. stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully disobedient
  8. 17. a hint; suggestion
  9. 23. to try to overcome or deal (with)
  10. 24. impious utterance or action concerning God
  11. 26. capacity for producing a desired result or effect
  12. 27. utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion in spite of all appeals
  13. 30. to take vengeance or exact satisfaction for
  14. 31. awkward, clumsy, unmannerly
  15. 33. ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield
  16. 34. having sound judgment
  1. 1. to infect, contaminate, corrupt, or soil
  2. 2. conduct; behavior
  3. 4. a false, malicious statement designed to injure someone's reputation
  4. 5. different in kind; unlike
  5. 10. subject to change or alteration
  6. 12. to repay for something; counterbalance; offset
  7. 13. to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for
  8. 14. pleasant because personality or interests are similar to one's own
  9. 15. the study of the nature of God and religion
  10. 16. shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious
  11. 18. long and tiresome
  12. 19. showing great enthusiasm for or interest in
  13. 20. disgrace; dishonor; public contempt
  14. 21. hardened; insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic
  15. 22. a respite from impending punishment; temporary relief
  16. 25. a person who pretends to have virtues, beliefs, principles that he/she does not possess
  17. 28. unrestrained or excessive indulgence of sexual desire
  18. 29. being known for having a bad reputation because of a shameful act
  19. 32. bold and without shame