
  1. 1. contamination of air by harmful substances including gases and smoke
  2. 3. water in its gaseous form
  3. 9. a mixture of dust, acid, and other chemicals that can be hazardous to human health
  4. 10. transfer of thermal energy by the movement of particles within matter
  5. 11. near the tope of the troposphere is a narrow band of high winds
  6. 13. cold wind that blow from the E to the W near North Pole and South Pole
  7. 16. wind that blows from the land to the sea due to local temperature and pressure differences
  8. 18. wind that blows from the sea to the land due to local temperature and pressure differences
  9. 19. the series of natural processes by which water continually move among oceans, land, and the atmoshphere
  10. 20. thin layer of gases surrounding Earth
  11. 22. steady winds that low from W to E between Latitudes 30 degrees N & 60 degrees N, and 30 degrees S & 60 degrees S
  12. 23. occurs in the troposphere when temperature increases as altitude increases
  13. 27. the transfer of thermal energy by collisions between particles of matter
  14. 28. point temperature ate which air is saturated and condensation can occur
  15. 29. the atmospheric conditions, along with short-term changer, of a certain place at a certain time
  16. 30. humidity amount of water vapor present in the air compared to he maximum amount of water vapor the air could contain at that temperature
  1. 2. a large body of circulating air with low pressure at its center and higher pressure outside of the system
  2. 4. describes whether circulation air motions well be strong or weak
  3. 5. a large body of circulation air with high pressure at its center and lower pressure outside of the system
  4. 6. is the movement of air from areas of high pressure to areas low pressure
  5. 7. the force that a column of air applies on the air or a surface below
  6. 8. when sulfure dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with moisture in the atmosphere and form precipitation that has pH lower than that of normal rainwater
  7. 12. a region within the mesosphere and thermosphere
  8. 14. steady winds that flow from west to east between 30 degrees N latitude and 30 degrees S Latitude
  9. 15. the transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
  10. 17. layer area of the stratosphere with a high concentration of ozone
  11. 21. water, in liquid or solid form, that falls from that atmosphere
  12. 23. the atmosphere closest to Earth's surface
  13. 24. air pollution that forms from the interaction between chemicals in the air and sunlight
  14. 25. atmospheric layer directly above the troposphere
  15. 26. amount of water vapor in the air