
  1. 2. The right to vote
  2. 3. rights Citizens basic rights and freedoms
  3. 8. To change
  4. 10. The peple represented by an elected offical
  5. 12. and balances Balancing of power amoung diffrent branchesof government so that no one branch is able to dominate the others
  6. 13. sovereghty A government in which the people rule. They have the surpreme power in the government
  7. 16. of powers Each branch has a specific job and power so that no branch would have all the power
  8. 17. A systm of goverment in which power is shared between the central government and the states
  9. 19. representation The number of delagates in which power is held by the people and exercised indirectly through electeed representatives
  10. 21. college The group of presidental electors that casts the offical votes for president after a presidentional election. Each state has a number of electors equal to the total of its members in the Senate and House of Representatives
  11. 22. A person chosen to act for or represent others, as at a convention
  1. 1. government Citiznes have power to governand citizens give power to leaders they elect to represent them and there intrests
  2. 4. corpus A court order directing that prisoner be brought to court and to show cause for his of her detention
  3. 5. A group that seeks to promote its own special intrests at the expense of the common good
  4. 6. A government controlled by one person or a single group
  5. 7. The cibstitutional power of the president to refuse to sighn a bill passed by congress preventing it from becoming a law
  6. 9. process of law Protection against arbitray deprivation of life, liberty, property
  7. 11. A form of government which political control is exercised by all the people, either directly or through their elected representatives
  8. 14. review The power of the courts to declare laws and actions of the governments invalaid if they violate the consititution
  9. 15. Charging a public offical with a crime in office for which they can be removed from power
  10. 18. Jeopardy He provision in the 5th admendment to the U.S. Constitution that one may not be tried twice for the same crime
  11. 20. government Every individial , including the governmental officals must obey the laws