
  1. 1. The opposite of a dirty install
  2. 3. Box A box that tells you stuff
  3. 4. Outside part of the tower
  4. 6. The replacement in case something goes wrong
  5. 7. Squished or zip file
  6. 9. To make bigger
  7. 10. Get along or go together
  8. 12. Part
  9. 15. Windows ______ A collection of files. Little file icon.
  10. 16. It changes
  11. 17. A thing that you submit to be accepted into something
  12. 21. To make able
  13. 23. Empty or emptied
  14. 26. or Administrative The main thing
  15. 27. A thing that changes a thing
  16. 28. Messed up
  17. 29. Things that occur
  1. 1. Fancy word for the outside of the tower
  2. 2. To take apart
  3. 3. To load from the internet
  4. 5. Original
  5. 6. The first one is bigger than the second one
  6. 7. Changing
  7. 8. Thumb _______ A place to put things.
  8. 10. Wii _________ A thing that controls other things
  9. 11. Is able to load
  10. 13. Where you are going
  11. 14. To make a copy of
  12. 18. Is able to
  13. 19. Information
  14. 20. Like a controller, or a printer. An electronic _______
  15. 22. The verb for loading or load
  16. 24. Prompt The place where you command the computer to do stuff
  17. 25. To make not readable
  18. 27. Able to get into something