
  1. 2. Numerical data in which order, differences between data and ratios matter (height)
  2. 4. Line that describes how the response variable changes as the explanatory variable changes
  3. 7. Total set of individuals of interest
  4. 10. A relationship between two variables
  5. 11. Data that has an order but differences between data values are meaningless (ex – school rank, 1st, 5th, 20th, 132nd)
  6. 12. To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information (predicting outside of your data set)
  7. 14. Data that has an order, meaningful differences between data but ratios are meaningless (ex - temperature)
  8. 17. A number (r) from -1 to 1 that measures the linear relationship between two variables
  9. 19. Symmetric distribution with approximately equal tails on the left and right; mean and median are approximately equal
  10. 21. A loosely gathered set of data on a scatterplot
  11. 22. Data Variable that describes or categorizes data
  12. 23. Graphical representation of discrete data (countable), easy to create, read and make interpretations; individual data is lost
  13. 25. A tightly gathered set of data on a scatterplot
  14. 27. Graphical distribution of quantitative data
  15. 28. A collection of data on a scatterplot that rises from left to right
  16. 29. Easy to read, shows percentages, used for discrete data, individual data is lost, good for 3-7 categories, total often missing
  17. 31. A sample that has skewed results caused by over representing or underrepresenting a portion of the population
  18. 34. A measure of center that divides an ordered set of data values into two equal halves
  19. 35. A collection of data on a scatterplot that falls from left to right
  20. 38. Methods of gathering data including stratified, random and systematic sampling
  21. 41. Leans sharply to the left and tails far out to the right
  22. 43. Statistics The practice of collecting, organizing, and summarizing information from samples or populations
  1. 1. Data consisting of only names or qualities – no numerical values (ex – colors)
  2. 3. A set of objects in which order IS important
  3. 4. The dependent or predicted variable
  4. 5. Inferring or estimating a value that lies between known values (predicting inside your data set)
  5. 6. The average of a set of data
  6. 8. Constant distribution in which a rectangle is formed
  7. 9. Data Variable that assigns a numerical value or quantifies data
  8. 13. A value that stands apart from the bulk of the data
  9. 15. A number that measures the proportion of variance in the response variable explained by the regression line and explanatory variable (r2)
  10. 16. Independent variable that is used as a predictor
  11. 17. A set of objects in which order is NOT important
  12. 18. Statistics Utilizes sample data to make estimates, decisions, predictions, or other generalizations about a larger set of data.
  13. 20. Leans sharply to the right and tails far out to the left
  14. 24. The most frequently occurring value(s) in a set of data
  15. 25. A graphical display of the pairs of values of two variables
  16. 26. Line of best fit
  17. 30. Identifies outliers, makes comparisons easy, shows 5# summary, individual data is lost, can be confusing to read, not visually appealing
  18. 32. Includes collecting, presenting, organizing, analyzing and interpreting numerical information
  19. 33. Number representing the maximum value minus the minimum value of a set of data
  20. 36. The rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample
  21. 37. A subset of units of a population
  22. 39. Easy to create, stores a lot of data in a smaller space, shows range
  23. 40. The difference between the observed value and the suggested by the regression line
  24. 42. Twenty five percent of an ordered set of data (Q1 -25%, Med – 50%, Q3 – 75%)