
  1. 2. No longer existing or functioning
  2. 6. To praise highly
  3. 8. To officially charge with a wrong doing
  4. 9. To annoy or both
  5. 11. Indisputable; not open for question
  6. 14. To attack as false or questionable
  7. 15. Insincere
  8. 16. Prone to engage in law suits
  9. 19. Moral uprightness
  10. 21. Full of praise
  11. 22. To put down forcibly
  12. 23. To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem
  13. 24. Lax in attending to duty
  1. 1. To level to the ground
  2. 3. To free from blame
  3. 4. Concerned
  4. 5. Distinguished
  5. 7. Adherence to the truth
  6. 10. Insulting or intended to insult
  7. 12. Fawning and servile
  8. 13. Trickery
  9. 17. To crush as if by trampling
  10. 18. Selfness
  11. 20. Capable of being believed
  12. 25. To thwart or stump