Volcanoes and Earthquakes

  1. 2. spreading The process of an Ocean trench
  2. 3. The process of the crust sinking downwards
  3. 5. The crust on the ocean floor
  4. 8. trench I deep trench in the ocean floor
  5. 11. tectonics Cracked pieces of crust
  6. 13. Rapid movement of the ground
  7. 14. Molten rock under the earths surface
  8. 15. A huge wave caused by an earthquake
  1. 1. A place where materials from the earths core erupts to the surface
  2. 2. The shaking wave like movement of the ground during an earthquake
  3. 4. The movement of continents across the ocean floor
  4. 6. crust The crust that forms continents
  5. 7. Equipment that detects seismic waves in an earthquake
  6. 9. The starting point of an earthquake
  7. 10. The process of contents breaking apart
  8. 12. Molten rock that has erupted to the earths surface