Vuodenaikoihin liittyviä sanoja

  1. 2. Very tasty plant, usually served with meat or fish.
  2. 5. Popular winter sport in Canada.
  3. 6. An old guy who lives in Lapland and wears a red coat.
  4. 7. Ice cream made of juice
  5. 8. You put it on if you are going to swim
  6. 9. A winter sport similar to downhill skiing
  7. 11. They keep your hands warm during the winter.
  8. 14. Temperature gets higher, which means that it is _ outside
  1. 1. The thing that happens to snow on spring
  2. 3. They protect your eyes from sun
  3. 4. The party when everybody dresses up to something
  4. 10. Cooking food on grill
  5. 12. A figure you can make out of snow.
  6. 13. A common weather phenomenon at autumn
  7. 15. This helps you to take care of grass