
  1. 3. Famous Smiths guitarist who performed with Billie Eilish
  2. 6. The number of Oscars won by Bong Joon-ho for Parasite
  3. 7. Billie Eilish's new song has been written for this film franchise
  4. 9. Which of the 4 elements was featured in Harry Styles' performance?
  5. 10. Which rapper called out Boris Johnson?
  6. 11. Best Picture winning film
  7. 12. Idina Menzel performed a song from the sequel to this film
  1. 1. For which film did Joaquin Phoenix win Best Actor?
  2. 2. Best Supporting Actress winner
  3. 4. Colour of Harry Styles' suit
  4. 5. Best Actress winner
  5. 8. Best Britist Male at the Brits