VZC Customer Service Week

  1. 2. Type of call where the Emergency Button is pressed in the vehicle
  2. 3. Name of the Vendor Manager
  3. 4. Lead Supervisor
  4. 6. System used when Siebel is not working/offline to find a location
  5. 9. Where we document a caller's interaction
  6. 11. A vehicle's unique identifying number
  7. 12. Acronym for the database used to search for 10 digit PSAP numbers
  1. 1. Phone system
  2. 2. Official Name of Mercedes Benz Telematics Services
  3. 3. Where to find steps and processes for call handling
  4. 5. Type of call where system recognizes the vehicle was in a crash
  5. 7. Acronym for Public Safety Answering Point
  6. 8. Acronym for Dual Tone Multi Frequency
  7. 10. Official Name of Volkswagen Telematics Services