W21: OF4013 Week 5 Cardiovascular System

  1. 3. Muscular, middle layer of the heart.
  2. 5. Beat of the heart.
  3. 8. Relaxation phase of the heartbeat.
  4. 9. Upper heart chamber
  5. 12. X-ray imaging of blood vessels
  6. 14. Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart.
  7. 16. Combining form of vein
  8. 19. Combining form of aorta
  9. 20. Small vein.
  10. 22. Contraction phase of the heartbeat.
  11. 25. Combining form of atrium
  12. 27. Extra heart sound, heard between normal beats.
  13. 31. Innermost lining of blood vessels.
  14. 32. Small, pinpoint hemorrhages.
  15. 34. Drugs used to lower cholesterol in the bloodstream.
  16. 37. Combining form of vessel
  17. 39. Swishing sound due improper closure of heart valves.
  18. 41. Combining form of heart
  19. 42. Abnormal heart rhythms (dysrhythmias).
  20. 43. Area of dead myocardial tissue
  21. 45. Combining form of clot
  22. 46. Artery carrying deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
  1. 1. valve Valve between the left atrium and ventricle
  2. 2. One of two lower chambers of the heart.
  3. 4. Closure of a blood vessel due to blockage.
  4. 6. Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
  5. 7. Pacemaker of the heart.
  6. 9. Combining form of vessel
  7. 10. Vibration felt on palpation of the chest
  8. 11. Murmur heard on auscultation
  9. 13. Smallest blood vessel.
  10. 15. X-ray imaging of arteries
  11. 17. Local widening (dilation) of an arterial wall.
  12. 18. Combining form of artery
  13. 21. High blood pressure affecting the heart.
  14. 23. cavae Plural form of the Largest vein in the body.
  15. 24. Opening of an artery
  16. 25. Chest pain resulting from myocardial ischemia.
  17. 26. Rapid but regular contractions, usually of atria.
  18. 28. Instrument to measure blood pressure.
  19. 29. Disease of the arteries surrounding the heart.
  20. 30. Combining form of yellowish plaque
  21. 33. Inner lining of the heart.
  22. 35. Valve Located between right atrium and ventricle;
  23. 36. One of two upper chambers of the heart.
  24. 38. Combining form of chest
  25. 40. Combining form of valve
  26. 41. Combining form of blue
  27. 44. is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia