WA State Geography Review

  1. 7. WA has _ geological regions
  2. 8. The ability of a nation to govern itself.
  3. 11. The _ mountain range splits WA into east and west.
  4. 12. is a major industry in WA state and also a primary food source for Native tribes in WA.
  5. 13. The _ mountain range is in NW WA state.
  6. 14. what borders WA to the east?
  7. 15. The name of a tribe in Eastern WA and also the name of one of the largest cities in WA.
  8. 16. _ is the study of landforms and human interactions with the land.
  9. 18. Seattle's geological region is the Puget Sound _.
  10. 19. The US government upheld _ treaties with Native tribes.
  1. 1. A contract or formal agreement between two or more nations.
  2. 2. WA has _ volcanoes.
  3. 3. What borders WA to the south?
  4. 4. To take care of something
  5. 5. the Native tribe closest to Seattle
  6. 6. What borders WA to the north?
  7. 7. plate _ is the movement of the Earth's crust.
  8. 9. This tribe has territory in southeast WA.
  9. 10. _ is the study of the Earth's solid structure.
  10. 17. The two major rivers in WA are the Columbia and the _.