WADL debating

  1. 4. Conversation or discussion in society
  2. 6. A strategic concession, giving something up for something better
  3. 7. A question asked of a speaker
  4. 9. To give examples, to explain what things look like in the real world
  5. 10. Used in debates which suggest an action or change, sets out specifics
  6. 11. Your response to the opposition's points
  7. 13. To summarise, remind us of your team's case
  8. 15. Debates where you only have an hour to prep
  9. 18. Structure you use to say where you are at in your speech, like a roadmap
  10. 20. A moral argument about rights or responsibilities
  11. 21. Somebody who makes decisions
  12. 22. What the first speaker does before their points, a description of what things look like
  13. 23. Your whole team's points
  1. 1. The speaker responsible for looking the debate in themes and rebutting
  2. 2. How change occurs
  3. 3. An important person to consider
  4. 5. A reason to do something
  5. 8. A harm, benefit, consequence
  6. 12. What your team tries to fulfil in a debate
  7. 14. You should prove things which are true and _____________
  8. 16. The alternative world
  9. 17. Can be the status quo
  10. 19. Bigger theme of rebuttal