Waite 2019

  1. 2. Home means this, to me
  2. 3. Paul built 3 of these
  3. 7. Grandma's diagnosis
  4. 8. which sibling waited for a missionary for 2 years and married someone else?
  5. 9. "....I'm dreaming, of the old days on the prairie, and you"
  6. 12. Even after having a hot fudge sundae every day, grandma lost weight because of this
  7. 13. where Linda and Mark met
  8. 14. Grandma's Waite's first name
  9. 15. family name
  10. 17. add milk to this for a meal that never gets old
  11. 19. where you could often find grandpa riding
  1. 1. this caused loss of short-term memory for grandpa in 1962
  2. 3. an outdoor activity grandma enjoyed but wasn't able to do much, especially after grandpa got sick
  3. 4. grandma's preferred card game
  4. 5. Grandma Waite's favorite dessert
  5. 6. the main road through Bunkerville
  6. 8. Tom traveled to Japan for this
  7. 10. the color of Tammy's first car
  8. 11. grandpa loved to turn these inside out
  9. 16. 1 + 1
  10. 18. Dorlene met this celebrity several times while working at the Hilton