Wales Crossword

  1. 3. In Wales you pay with ...
  2. 5. In Geograpgy the pupils had to find Cardiff on the ..
  3. 6. On the Welsh flag you can see a green band at the ...
  4. 11. Kingdom Wales is part of the ...
  5. 12. ... means Good Morning in Welsh.
  6. 13. For the Welsh people family and friends are very ...
  7. 14. People in Wales speak and ...
  1. 1. In Wales you can find largest second-hand ... in the world.
  2. 2. Cardiff is the ... city.
  3. 4. On the Welsh flag there is a red ...
  4. 7. Welsh and English are the two ... languages in Wales.
  5. 8. ... is the Welsh word for Wales.
  6. 9. In Wales there are as many ... as people.
  7. 10. There are three ... parks in Wales.