Walker's Safety Crossword

  1. 3. safety color meaning warning
  2. 6. a substance that can be both visible and invisible like carbon monoxide
  3. 7. a word starting with R that means guidelines you need to follow to stay safe
  4. 10. a hot flame that can cause harm to both people and things (need to be handled quickly)
  5. 11. a person to assist you in projects like when you are cutting or sanding
  6. 12. a 6 letter word meaning safe
  7. 14. a state of clean that all equipment needs to be kept in to work ok
  8. 15. a threat to your safety hidden or obvious
  9. 16. a dangers charge of energy that can kill you if you come in direct contact for long enough (needed to charge your phone)
  10. 17. Needed in the work shop and science lab and required by law
  11. 18. an acronym for the organization that makes sure everything is safe
  12. 19. a number that is the amount of time in seconds you have to put a fire out with a fire extinguisher or else the extinguisher will run out and you need to call 911
  13. 22. what you need to do to make sure everything is clean and safe
  14. 23. a visible smog that kills more people then fire but is a result of fire
  15. 24. safety color meaning danger
  1. 1. what you need to do to equipment and tools to make sure they work ok and wont break
  2. 2. The safety color meaning notice or used to give information
  3. 4. a set of rules you need to follow to do something safely
  4. 5. saw A very dangers saw that is mounted on a table
  5. 8. a box that contain medical supplies that can be used in emergency's
  6. 9. a tool used to put out fires
  7. 13. needed if working with loud equipment like saws or power tools to protect your hearing
  8. 20. a three letter word that means entertained and you can have it if you follow all procedures in the lab and you are safe
  9. 21. safety color meaning caution