Walt Disney

  1. 2. Walt Disney was well known for creating _______ Mouse.
  2. 5. Walt Disney’s middle name.
  3. 6. Where is the first Disneyland ever built? (state)
  4. 7. Walt Disney studied at the Chicago _____ Institute.
  5. 8. Walt Disney produced the first cartoon in the world with synchronized _____________.
  6. 10. Which state was Walt Disney born in?
  1. 1. Walt Disney created ___________ ,one of the most successful theme parks in the world.
  2. 3. Walt Disney had _____________ . (disability)
  3. 4. Walt Disney was the first person to put ________ on TV.
  4. 6. Walt Disney was a ___________ . (religion)
  5. 9. Lillian Bounds was Walt Disney’s _______ .
  6. 11. Walt Disney died because of _______ cancer.