War Press

  1. 2. What did Matthew Brady use to show the effects of the war and the camp lives of the soilders during the Civil War?
  2. 6. What was implemented to the press during the Korean War?
  3. 8. During World War II, what source gave lifelike pictures in the minds of families in the U.S. that wanted to hear what is happening to the oversea troops?
  4. 9. What did the Vietnam War spark the use of?
  1. 1. Which war was propaganda created with very poor quality and aircraft?
  2. 2. What was George Creel's main goal to establish?
  3. 3. During the Vietnam War, what technology was the most significant aspect aspect for the press?
  4. 4. During the Granada Conflict, what was the source most used by the press?
  5. 5. Which act was passed to prevent anyone and everyone from reporting anything related to anti-war efforts?
  6. 7. What was one of the major press concerns during the Vietnam War?