Warff Wedding

  1. 4. The guest who traveled the farthest came from this country in Europe.
  2. 7. In winter, Chelsea likes to...
  3. 8. Maid of Honor
  4. 10. The college Luca went to
  5. 14. Matchmaker for Chelsea and Luca
  6. 16. The city they got married in (Hint: You're here now!)
  7. 17. The town in England Chelsea went when she graduated high school.
  8. 18. The college Chelsea went to
  9. 19. The cocktail hour band
  10. 21. On Thursdays, Luca does this.
  11. 23. Chelsea and Luca's first dance is a cover song from this band.
  12. 24. The Warrens hail from
  13. 26. Luca studied abroad in...
  1. 1. Chelsea studied abroad in...
  2. 2. City where they met
  3. 3. Best Man
  4. 5. Lifelong sport for Luca
  5. 6. In winter, Luca likes to...
  6. 7. Month they got engaged
  7. 9. Their dog's name
  8. 10. Chelsea's favorite animal (Hint: It hasn't changed since she was five)
  9. 11. First concert (Hint: Same for them both)
  10. 12. The last concert they went to together.
  11. 13. Chelsea's middle name
  12. 15. Last overseas vacation
  13. 20. Luca is a citizen of...
  14. 22. House nickname
  15. 25. Luca's middle name