Warrior Cats

  1. 4. Princesses Firstborn Kit
  2. 6. another name for yew berries
  3. 8. E man who committed arson for his "love interest"
  4. 12. Helpful Clan
  5. 15. face ripped off
  6. 16. died in a fire
  1. 1. shadowclan drove them out
  2. 2. the lost clan
  3. 3. Firehearts former leader
  4. 5. the animals in the forest
  5. 7. possessed
  6. 9. Firehearts leader name
  7. 10. Firehearts kittypet name
  8. 11. the amount of clans in the forest during the first book
  9. 13. killed swiftpaw
  10. 14. evil cat of thunderclan and shadowclan