- 2. One of Tigerstar’s mates
- 4. No one knew about them
- 7. Squirrelflight’s true daughter
- 8. Can’t be hurt
- 9. Med cat, doesn’t believe in Starclan
- 10. Med cat of Thunderclan, Jayfeather’s apprentice
- 13. Watery clan, mostly like water otherwise drypaw
- 15. Trained in Darkforest
- 17. Firery personality
- 20. Dustpelt’s mate
- 23. Firestar’s mate
- 26. Whitewing’s mate
- 28. Brightheart’s sister
- 29. Had to leave the clans because of Tigerstar
- 30. To noble to ask for help, hates thunder clan like all the other clans
- 33. Loved Leafpool once
- 35. ‘Dictator’, terror of the forest, killed lots of cats
- 36. Read other cats minds/emotions
- 39. Stuck up, main clan
- 40. One of her daughters are in the power of three
- 41. Kind med cat, had kits
- 43. Med cat in shadow clan
- 44. Not power of three
- 45. Crowfeather’s daughter in law
- 1. Hurt by dog pack
- 3. Ivypool’s mate / Cinderheart’s son
- 5. Loves Crowfeather
- 6. Leafpool’s friend
- 11. Stuck up leader once was Rusty
- 12. Another of Tigerstar’s mates
- 14. Became Thunderclan leader
- 16. Firestar’s nephew
- 17. Mean, evil clan
- 18. Tawnypelt’s mate
- 19. Sorreltail’s mate
- 21. Reincarnation of Cinderpelt
- 22. Can hear lots of things, power of three
- 24. Grouchey old cat (my opinion)
- 25. Non med cat Tawnypelt son
- 27. Evil, nearly killed Firestar, sadly he did not
- 31. Silver cat that saved the tribe of rushing water
- 32. Crowfeather’s son
- 34. Tigerstar’s son, one of them
- 37. Tawnypelt/Rowenclaw’s daughter, I think Crowfrost’s mate
- 38. One of Tigerstar’s daughters
- 42. Cat at a twoleg place / barn with Ravenpaw