Warrior cats

  1. 2. One of Tigerstar’s mates
  2. 4. No one knew about them
  3. 7. Squirrelflight’s true daughter
  4. 8. Can’t be hurt
  5. 9. Med cat, doesn’t believe in Starclan
  6. 10. Med cat of Thunderclan, Jayfeather’s apprentice
  7. 13. Watery clan, mostly like water otherwise drypaw
  8. 15. Trained in Darkforest
  9. 17. Firery personality
  10. 20. Dustpelt’s mate
  11. 23. Firestar’s mate
  12. 26. Whitewing’s mate
  13. 28. Brightheart’s sister
  14. 29. Had to leave the clans because of Tigerstar
  15. 30. To noble to ask for help, hates thunder clan like all the other clans
  16. 33. Loved Leafpool once
  17. 35. ‘Dictator’, terror of the forest, killed lots of cats
  18. 36. Read other cats minds/emotions
  19. 39. Stuck up, main clan
  20. 40. One of her daughters are in the power of three
  21. 41. Kind med cat, had kits
  22. 43. Med cat in shadow clan
  23. 44. Not power of three
  24. 45. Crowfeather’s daughter in law
  1. 1. Hurt by dog pack
  2. 3. Ivypool’s mate / Cinderheart’s son
  3. 5. Loves Crowfeather
  4. 6. Leafpool’s friend
  5. 11. Stuck up leader once was Rusty
  6. 12. Another of Tigerstar’s mates
  7. 14. Became Thunderclan leader
  8. 16. Firestar’s nephew
  9. 17. Mean, evil clan
  10. 18. Tawnypelt’s mate
  11. 19. Sorreltail’s mate
  12. 21. Reincarnation of Cinderpelt
  13. 22. Can hear lots of things, power of three
  14. 24. Grouchey old cat (my opinion)
  15. 25. Non med cat Tawnypelt son
  16. 27. Evil, nearly killed Firestar, sadly he did not
  17. 31. Silver cat that saved the tribe of rushing water
  18. 32. Crowfeather’s son
  19. 34. Tigerstar’s son, one of them
  20. 37. Tawnypelt/Rowenclaw’s daughter, I think Crowfrost’s mate
  21. 38. One of Tigerstar’s daughters
  22. 42. Cat at a twoleg place / barn with Ravenpaw