- 3. Fernsong and Ivypools daughter
- 5. can be described as a very wise, old white owl, who is killed by Bone.
- 7. He caught Pinestar being fed by Twolegs.
- 8. His name is also Tigerstar
- 11. golden tabby shecat who found the blazing star from dawn of the clans
- 13. She has three kits called Firekit, Stormkit, and Harrykit
- 14. his mate is killed by Brokenstar and hes pretty sad, then he is later killed by badgers
- 15. This Shecat killed Ashfur
- 17. He has been temporarily deputy three times
- 18. He is a small black cat with one white paw and ice blue eyes.
- 20. A medicine cat who is exiled by the imposter because he stood up for Jayfeather.
- 21. is a big, dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws,and amber eyes.
- 24. Reincarnate of Jay's wing
- 29. she trains in the darkforest because hse is jealous of dovewing
- 30. the imposter, He is a ghost now
- 31. she stays behind in the old territory with speckletail and two riverclan elders.
- 33. Firestars second apprentice
- 34. he falls through a frozen lake and drowns
- 36. Paralyzed by a falling tree
- 37. Onestar and smokes son
- 38. she runs away, has kits, Tigerheart joins her, she returns to the clans and joins Shadowclan.
- 41. The mediator
- 42. He is kidnapped by Willowshine
- 44. Twigpaw and violetpaws father
- 47. the shadow clan cat that participates on the journey to find midnight.
- 48. white wind clan medicine shecat with 3 kits from dawn of the clans
- 49. Hangs out with longtail in the elder's den.
- 1. sacrificed herself to save Violetpaw against Darktail
- 2. the oldest warrior cat, 16.6 years old, look it up.
- 4. He predicts the eclipse
- 6. he starts a rebellion in Windclan and is killed by a tree.
- 9. Jake and nutmegs son
- 10. He goes on a journey with jake to revenge his father sandgorse.
- 11. He frees Bramblestars spirit from the dark forest
- 12. Dustpelts mate
- 16. FireHearts first apprentice.
- 19. He is killed at the bone hill protecting the other halfclan cats.
- 22. Leafstar named Stormheart after this shecat
- 23. she dies in a rockslide.
- 25. is killed twice by Bramblestar, making him vanish forever, also he tries to kill Firestar.
- 26. He is appointed deputy by Harestar
- 27. He was named Boris before he became a Skyclan warrior
- 28. Darkstripe tries to kill her with deathberries.
- 32. He is tricked by Mapleshade
- 35. the shadowclan leader who drowns in the greatstorm, giving Rowanstar leadership.
- 39. Tawnypelts mate
- 40. cinnamonpaws mentor
- 43. He makes and alliance with Rootspring and Shadowsight in the afterlife
- 45. her kits die in the river after being banished from her clan.
- 46. was the first Stoneteller of the Ancient Tribe and befriended Jayfeather/Jay's wing.