- 3. What ShadowClan eats
- 6. Red_____
- 8. Clan that lives in the sky
- 13. What killed Bluestar
- 15. Clan that likes to swim
- 17. What the cats call the stars
- 18. Medicine____
- 19. Dust____
- 20. Cats that live with twolegs
- 21. Leader of ThunderClan when Rusty joined
- 22. clans as of book 6
- 1. Nine _____ aree given to each leader
- 2. Warrior _____
- 4. Yellowfang's birth clan
- 5. Healer after Yellowfang
- 7. Rusty's future mate
- 9. cat that lives in a barn
- 10. Age a cat usually is when made a warrior
- 11. Rusty's best friend
- 12. Where the gathering takes place
- 14. Main character
- 16. How long a moon is in human time
- 17. White_____