Warrior Cats: Books 1-6

  1. 3. What ShadowClan eats
  2. 6. Red_____
  3. 8. Clan that lives in the sky
  4. 13. What killed Bluestar
  5. 15. Clan that likes to swim
  6. 17. What the cats call the stars
  7. 18. Medicine____
  8. 19. Dust____
  9. 20. Cats that live with twolegs
  10. 21. Leader of ThunderClan when Rusty joined
  11. 22. clans as of book 6
  1. 1. Nine _____ aree given to each leader
  2. 2. Warrior _____
  3. 4. Yellowfang's birth clan
  4. 5. Healer after Yellowfang
  5. 7. Rusty's future mate
  6. 9. cat that lives in a barn
  7. 10. Age a cat usually is when made a warrior
  8. 11. Rusty's best friend
  9. 12. Where the gathering takes place
  10. 14. Main character
  11. 16. How long a moon is in human time
  12. 17. White_____