- 3. who made Firestar go to the gorge?
- 5. where was Redtail murdered?
- 7. how many lives did Bluestar have left when Firesar came to the forest?
- 9. in which book did Bramblestar lost his first life?
- 12. who saved the clans with fire?
- 13. Brightheart's warrior name given by Bluestar
- 14. why did the Clans leave the old forest?
- 15. in which book did Hollyleaf and Lionbaze become warrirors?
- 16. who did Firestar fight when he first joined ThunderClan?
- 1. Rootpaw's warrior name
- 2. the clan that flies in trees
- 4. what animal led Mothflight to Moonstone?
- 6. what is the group name for the cats who raised Tree?
- 8. what did the lake barn cats call humans?
- 10. who found the stone hollow for ThunderClan beside the lake?
- 11. in which book did Squirrelflight discovered she was expecting kits?