Warrior Cats CrossWord [8FROM STARCLAN*]

  1. 2. SorrelTail's father
  2. 3. this Cat Murdered AshFur and that is why it did not get a life at BrambleClaw's nine lives ceremony
  3. 4. FireStar's old friend which is still a kitty pet
  4. 6. this cat is a monster but mated many she cats in his life time
  5. 8. this stick belongs to JayFeather and is a ancient item of how many cats died from the water in the tunnel
  6. 11. what firestar was before a warrior cat
  7. 12. jayfeather,lionblaze and HollyLeaf's real mother which is a medicine cat and was not aloud to have kits
  8. 13. was lying to LeafStar when was telling about his past
  1. 1. who BlueStar thinks as a replacement for her kittens
  2. 5. CrowFeather's father
  3. 7. tried to give his kittens to some farm cats first but they rejected her
  4. 9. is a black cat which has dog teeth
  5. 10. was named after her stumpy tsil