- 1. sister of firestar and gave a kit to him
- 3. lost her leg to a monster (car)
- 4. bluestar was in love although he was in riverclan
- 6. brambleclaw's imposter
- 8. lives in the tunnels
- 9. died from dogs as an apprentice
- 10. first leader of thunderclaw
- 15. bramblestar's son
- 19. jayfeather is in love with this, has cool scars
- 22. our favorite badger!
- 23. lives in the barn
- 27. went to the sundrown place but died
- 28. one of firestar's first friend, is taken away by twolegs.
- 29. his real mom is his fake mom's sister
- 30. brambleclaw's sister
- 32. rusty's kittypet friend
- 34. taked care of firestar's nephew
- 36. used to live in the horsebarn but is now a queen
- 37. graystripe's first mate
- 2. was loved by two cats but chose the cat that later became leader of thunderclan
- 5. made kits train at younger ages and was killed by his own mother
- 7. bluestar's son that she gave to riverclan that later died
- 11. the main character of the prophecies begin
- 12. graystripe's second mate
- 13. sees tigerclaw kill redtail and fakes his death
- 14. can enter other cats' dreams and is blind
- 16. firestar's first deputy
- 17. leader of thunderclan in the first book
- 18. was once shadowclan but joined thunderclan as their medicine cat
- 20. son of princess and nephew of firestar
- 21. is stuck in the tunnels (has space in name but i couldnt put it)
- 24. leader and healer of the tribe
- 25. has two brothers and is daughter of leafpool
- 31. became shadowclan leader but didnt recieve 9 lives
- 33. was with bluestar when they met rusty
- 35. bluestar's kit that didnt survive the way to riverclan