Warrior Cats (firestar's important peeps/kin)

  1. 1. firestar's windclan son in law
  2. 4. firestar's not medicine cat grandson
  3. 7. the fire that will save the Clans
  4. 11. totally firestar's thunderclan mom
  5. 12. cloudtail's son that looks just like him
  6. 15. one of the og three from the prophecies begin
  7. 22. firestar's relaxed daughter
  8. 24. graystripes river clan wife
  9. 25. Cloudtail's son who totally isn't baypaw and myrtlepaw's dad
  10. 26. firestar's anxious grandson
  11. 29. Cloudtail’s youngest daughter
  12. 30. the dude that is now just a dead windclan jerk but was once firestar's friend
  1. 2. the oldest cloudtail spawn
  2. 3. squirrelflight's daughter
  3. 5. totally Firestar's other father
  4. 6. squirrelflight's son in law
  5. 8. firestar's spunky daughter
  6. 9. firestar's nephew
  7. 10. firestar's best friend
  8. 13. firestar's mentor and kinda his mom
  9. 14. baby murder kit
  10. 16. firestar's sister
  11. 17. firestar's blind grandson
  12. 18. firestar's half brother
  13. 19. cloudtails daughter in law
  14. 20. firestar's father/everyone's father
  15. 21. graystripes new wife
  16. 23. firestar's mate
  17. 27. Cloudtail’s wife
  18. 28. leafpool's daughter