Warrior Cats! (From HollyLeaf)

  1. 3. because of this cat i did not get a life at BrambleClaw's nine lives ceremony
  2. 5. who is the other one?
  3. 7. why did i not get a life at brambleclaw's nine lives ceremony?
  4. 8. has only one eye
  5. 10. who is my MUM?
  6. 11. who is one of my siblings?
  7. 12. Was SandPaw's sibling but would never admit it
  1. 1. OH NO MAPPLESHADE KILLED THIS MEDICINE CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 2. will do anything for RiverClan
  3. 4. has dog teeth in his mouth
  4. 6. a not exsisting cat people miss up AshFur with
  5. 9. died in his sleep and was a apprentice in ThunderClan