Warrior cats trivia (hard)

  1. 3. Who did Twigbranch save from a falling tree as an apprentice?
  2. 9. What killed Hollykit and Larchkit in Dawn?
  3. 10. Who gave Firestar his life of loyalty?
  4. 13. What book did Cinderpelt die in?
  5. 18. What trait did Runningwind give Firestar when giving one of his lives?
  6. 20. Who stole ThunderClan’s kits and killed Spottedleaf in the process?
  7. 24. Who was the youngest warrior ever?
  8. 27. Who was the fat old tabby Smudge mentions to Rusty in the first book?
  9. 28. Who tried to suffocate Darktail but failed?
  10. 29. What animal is considered a bad omen if they appear at a camp?
  11. 31. Who was the first cat Firestar gave their warrior name to as leader?
  12. 33. Who killed Billystorm?
  13. 35. What was Riverstar’s name as a kit?
  14. 36. Who was the only kit in ThunderClan who went on the Great Journey. (Put their kit name)
  15. 37. Whose ghost did Ivypool kill to become a dark forest warrior?
  16. 40. What ThunderClan cat did Brokenstar kill during the Final Battle?
  17. 43. Who was SkyClan’s first medicine cat?
  18. 44. What is the Twoleg name for the lake?
  19. 47. Who did Leafstar name her kit Harrybrook after?
  20. 48. Who accidentally fell into the Gorge in the second book?
  21. 50. Who was the reincarnation of Lionblaze?
  22. 51. What is a RiverClan cat who doesn’t like to get wet called?
  23. 52. Which (future) leader did Mapleshade train?
  1. 1. What did the Tribe cats call the mountain lion that was terrorizing them?
  2. 2. Who named Violetshine (Violetkit)?
  3. 4. Whar is the Twoleg name for Fourtrees?
  4. 5. What tree did Cinderpaw (Cinderheart) fall out of?
  5. 6. What killed Leopardstar?
  6. 7. What is the Twoleg name of Barley’s farm?
  7. 8. What warrior name did Bluestar give Brightheart?
  8. 11. Who was Sol’s mother?
  9. 12. What are Tribe cat appearances called?
  10. 14. What prey was Shrewpaw chasing when he was killed?
  11. 15. What did Purdy call Twolegs?
  12. 16. Who died on the Great Journey?
  13. 17. Which ThunderClan apprentice died during the Great storm?
  14. 19. Who was the cat Appledusk cheated on Mapleshade with?
  15. 21. What animal did Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, any Lionblaze try to track as kits?
  16. 22. What herb makes cats throw up?
  17. 23. How many lives did Bluestar have left when Tigerclaw attacked her?
  18. 25. Who killed Darkstripe?
  19. 26. Who was the leader of SkyClan when they left the forest territories?
  20. 30. Officially, what killed the four elders who were left behind before the Great Journey?
  21. 32. What blinded Longtail?
  22. 34. Who attacked Jayfeather at the moonpool?
  23. 38. Which ShadowClan warrior fought and chose the dark forest side during the Great battle, and was killed by Blackstar?
  24. 39. Where was Thistleclaw killed?
  25. 41. Which kittypet almost became Bramblestar’s mate in Bramblestar’s Storm?
  26. 42. Who was Fallen Leaves’s mother?
  27. 45. What cat did Lionblaze accidentally kill in a boarder scrimish?
  28. 46. Who gave Snowtuft his long scar?
  29. 49. Who stopped Jayfeather from trying to save Flametail and drowning with him?