
  1. 5. a tree a owl lives in
  2. 8. old dark grey cat with a broad, flattened face
  3. 9. a animals land
  4. 10. black and white tom who is firehearts friend
  5. 12. the medicine person/cat
  6. 13. a bunch of trees growing in a -------
  7. 15. the enemies of thunderclan
  8. 16. the sound a cat makes
  9. 17. the word that a cat is called if they live with a human
  10. 18. Firehearts old name
  1. 1. a kits time being a kit
  2. 2. where humans live
  3. 3. a fighter
  4. 4. a animal that gets hunted
  5. 6. a cats home base for their ----
  6. 7. hunted prey
  7. 11. a old cat
  8. 14. Hunter the writer of warrior cats
  9. 15. the smell of something