
  1. 2. Where the bloodiest battle of WW2 took place
  2. 3. Info used to spread biased political views
  3. 5. The leader of Japan during WW2
  4. 6. the month that WW2 started
  5. 7. A country ruled by Hitler
  6. 8. a minority that was targeted during WW2
  7. 12. an ongoing battle
  8. 14. The 32nd US president
  9. 15. A level of bomb that wasn't seen before WW2
  10. 16. A mass homicide of Jewish people
  11. 18. Leader of the Soviet Union
  12. 19. Japan+Germany+Italy
  13. 20. A failed art student who made it everyone's problem
  1. 1. When Japan bombed the US for the first time in WW2
  2. 4. The economic falling after WW1
  3. 9. tools used to kill
  4. 10. The leader of the United Kindom during WW2
  5. 11. "I want you, for the U.S. army"
  6. 13. The month Germany surrendered
  7. 17. the deadliest concentration camp