Washington - War of 1812 Crossword

  1. 3. This rebellion occurred in western Pennsylvania after Congress passed a new tax on this product
  2. 6. This was the final Act of a series of laws passed by John Adams that was unconstitutional
  3. 7. led the Corps of Discovery
  4. 9. Governor of the Indiana Territory and led troops in the Battle of Tippecanoe
  5. 11. tried to form Native American Confederation to fight against American westward expansion
  6. 14. This Act prohibited trade with only France and Britain and replaced the Embargo Act
  7. 16. This party supported a strong federal gov. and were loose interpreters of the Constitution
  8. 17. Fourth President of the United States
  9. 19. This party favored a weak federal gov. and were strict interpreters of the Constitution
  10. 20. Chief Justice who ruled on Marbury v Madison
  1. 1. A city in Belgium and also a treaty that ended the War of 1812
  2. 2. Leader of France at the time of the Louisiana
  3. 4. First Secretary of the Treasury and eventual leader of the Federalist Party
  4. 5. First President of the United States
  5. 8. Secretary of ________ oversees foreign relations
  6. 10. Shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel while serving as Vice President
  7. 12. Affair of _____________ or another name for a duel
  8. 13. Third President of the United States
  9. 15. Second President of the United States
  10. 18. Forcing someone to serve militarily for a country outside their own