Water and its 3 states

  1. 2. Besides, mist, fog and dew, another form of water in the liquid state are the ___________ that we can observe clearly floating about in the sky.
  2. 6. Liquids and gases do not have a definite ________ and can fill whatever shape of the container that they are filled in.
  3. 10. Liquids and gases can __________ from one location to another.
  4. 11. Gases are the only states of matter that can be squeezed together or is _____________.
  5. 13. Steam and water vapour are in the gaseous state and thus are _____________ or cannot be seen unless it is purposely coloured.
  6. 15. During freezing and boiling, the temperature of the substance undergoing the change will not experience an increase in temperature until all the change in states had been completed. In other words, at these fixed points,the temperatue remains ____________.
  7. 16. Both solids and liquids are similar in that both have ___________ volume.
  8. 18. The presence of this in pure water will raise its boiling point and lowers its freezing point. Sugar and salt are examples of these substance that can dissolve in water and can cause the changes to the fixed points of water mentioned earlier.
  1. 1. This is an example of a non-matter since it does not have both mass and volume.
  2. 2. In this change of state from a gas to a liquid, the substance will lose heat or heat is removed.
  3. 3. Water in its solid state can be in the form of ice, snow, sleet or ________________.
  4. 4. This is a change of state of a substance from one which is a solid to one which is a liquid.
  5. 5. When this change of state of water takes place, it will occur at the fixed point or temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. The temperature of the substance will not increase although heat is always taken in because the heat is used to make the change in state complete before the heat can be used to raise its temperature.
  6. 7. This refers to the amount of water vapour that is already in the air. When this factor is higher, the rate of evaporation will be slower as there is already too much water vapour already in the air.
  7. 8. This is the faster form of evaporation and it takes place throughout the liquid with bubbles clearly visible in the liquid as it changes state.
  8. 9. Another word that means "occupy space"or has _______.
  9. 12. Water not only increase in volume when heated but its volume also increases or it ____________ when it is frozen.
  10. 14. The larger the exposed ___________ area of the liquid to be evaporated, the faster will be the rate of evaporation and vice-versa.
  11. 17. With more ___________, the amount of water vapour in the air will be made less as the moving air will push the water vapour already in the air away so that more water vapour could be created.