- 5. Forms of this are Oceans/Salt lakes
- 8. This is a super small amount with most water not being used this way
- 9. This is the process plants use to get food/energy
- 11. Groundwater, Lakes, Rivers, and Ice caps are forms of this
- 13. Clouds form from this
- 14. The Water Cycle is this
- 15. This produces "fuel"/Energy for the water cycle
- 1. Rain, Sleet, and Hail are all forms of this
- 2. This is what happens when water gets too hot
- 3. This is supported by water and your body functions
- 4. This is one of many uses for water
- 6. The gaseous form of water
- 7. This needs water to be able to function
- 10. The way in which water pools in large bodies
- 12. Water trapped under the ground ,usually used for wells