Water Cycle

  1. 5. Forms of this are Oceans/Salt lakes
  2. 8. This is a super small amount with most water not being used this way
  3. 9. This is the process plants use to get food/energy
  4. 11. Groundwater, Lakes, Rivers, and Ice caps are forms of this
  5. 13. Clouds form from this
  6. 14. The Water Cycle is this
  7. 15. This produces "fuel"/Energy for the water cycle
  1. 1. Rain, Sleet, and Hail are all forms of this
  2. 2. This is what happens when water gets too hot
  3. 3. This is supported by water and your body functions
  4. 4. This is one of many uses for water
  5. 6. The gaseous form of water
  6. 7. This needs water to be able to function
  7. 10. The way in which water pools in large bodies
  8. 12. Water trapped under the ground ,usually used for wells