water pollution and urbanization

  1. 2. generated as a result of the ordinary day-to-day use of a domestic activities
  2. 7. metropolis or large city
  3. 9. separate residential community
  4. 11. a path oak walkway
  5. 12. acucumulation of pesticides or other chemicals or metals in an organism
  1. 1. a road or place so crowded with traffic or people
  2. 3. disease caused by untreated sewage
  3. 4. is an water efficent method of irrigation used by farmers
  4. 5. toxic material that passes up the food chain from insects to birds
  5. 6. the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or many people that live in the area
  6. 8. were you can find goods and products of very high quality
  7. 10. affects the health of living organisms in rivers and lakes
  8. 12. a place full of activity