Water pollution Crossword

  1. 3. caused by rapid temperature change in the water
  2. 8. a area where water from city streets, suburban development, crops and forests drain out to
  3. 11. produced by coal burning, trash and ash
  4. 14. a water contaminant resulted by pipes
  5. 15. present in wastewater that contracts diseases, like cholera
  6. 16. the addition legislation used to protect drinking water
  7. 18. A wastewater removal system in a city with many households
  8. 20. A chemical found in plastics, when heated can mimic hormones
  9. 21. particles of soil suspended in rivers cause the water to become cloudy
  10. 23. a single sewage pipe that empties into a stream
  1. 1. the cause of oxygen demand, nutrient release, disease causing organisms
  2. 2. contained body of water created to hold livestock waste
  3. 4. chemical produced by burning of fossil fuels, mostly coal
  4. 5. causes fish in rivers to develop both female and male reproductive parts
  5. 6. barrier that keeps floating oil from spreading
  6. 7. chemicals used in oil spill to break down the soil into smaller particles
  7. 8. the cause of most oil in the ocean
  8. 9. the first ever legislation on water quality
  9. 10. a type of noise that caused the communication between whales to be interrupted
  10. 11. biochemical breakdown of organic material
  11. 12. Causes water bodies ph levels to reduce to 5.5 or 6
  12. 13. solid waste that has resulted from cleaning wastewater
  13. 17. area of low oxygen where organisms are no longer able to survive
  14. 19. Found in rock and can contaminate groundwater
  15. 22. largest oil spill off the coast of Alaska